Futures Trading forex Trading is a game just like any other game. When you are learning how to play a game you first need to know all the rules and then you need to practice what you have learned. Be careful to not mix up those steps though, because as my tennis coach in high school said, practice makes permanent not perfect. You want to be practicing the right way.So lets start with the rules. What are the rules to trading?You need to know when you can trade. Are you going to place all your orders after hours and let them execute during the day or are you going to watch the market during trading and place your orders? You need to know what the different type of orders are and how they affect your trades. Are you going to place market orders, limit orders, stop orders or a combination of different types depending on the situation? What are the advantages and disadvantages to each and how will you use them for money management?Then, what is your hold time going to be? Day trading? Swing Trading? Short-term trading? Long-term trading? Different time periods work have different potential opportunities and risks. What are you going to trade? Just stocks? Perhaps options as well or even futures and currencies. How does volume affect your trades? There’s plenty more to learn as well, but you get the idea.Once you know the rules then you need to practice.Practice in trading usually comes in the form of developing and testing a system that works before using it to trade with real money. To do this you will need to learn about different indicators and oscillators, how they work and what they work best with. You will need software of some kind to test the results of your strategies.Then it is a good idea to do some? paper trading? with your newly developed system, that is using either one of the stock market trading simulators available on the internet or just keeping track on your own. Get used to applying your strategy to real life and get a feel for how to manage it for several days at least. Then you will be ready to start trading your new system. Publié par forex trading à l'adresse 08:24 3 commentaires Financial Markets What is a Ponzi Scheme - How Do Ponzi Schemes WorkQuestion: What is a Ponzi Scheme? How Do Ponzi Schemes Work?Answer: A Ponzi scheme is a scam investment designed to separate investors from their money. It is named after Charles Ponzi, who constructed one such scheme at the beginning of the 20th century, though the concept was well known prior to Ponzi.The scheme is designed to convince the public to place their money into a fradulent investment. Once the scam artist feels that enough money has been collected, he disappears - taking all the money with him. Bailouts: Why Just Stop at Banks? Publié par forex trading à l'adresse 08:23 1 commentaires Insider Trading What is a Ponzi Scheme - How Do Ponzi Schemes WorkQuestion: What is a Ponzi Scheme? How Do Ponzi Schemes Work?Answer: A Ponzi scheme is a scam investment designed to separate investors from their money. It is named after Charles Ponzi, who constructed one such scheme at the beginning of the 20th century, though the concept was well known prior to Ponzi.The scheme is designed to convince the public to place their money into a fradulent investment. Once the scam artist feels that enough money has been collected, he disappears - taking all the money with him. Bailouts: Why Just Stop at Banks? Publié par forex trading à l'adresse 08:22 0 commentaires Insider Trading Insider Trading: What did Martha Do?Martha Stewart has been in the news for several months because the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission believes that Martha Stewart was told by her friend Sam Waksal that his company ImClone’s cancer drug had been rejected by the Food and Drug Administration before this information was made public. This rejection was a huge blow to his company and the price of its stock went down dramatically. However, Martha Stewart wasn’t financially hurt because she had her broker sell her 4000 shares before this news was made public. If this is true, and it should be noted it hasn’t been proven yet, then Martha Stewart is guilty of insider trading.What Is Insider Trading?When most people hear the term “insider trading” they think of the illegal version. However, the term “insider trading” can also mean the perfectly legal buying and selling of stock by a company’s corporate insiders. Insider trading is legal when these corporate insiders trade stock of their own company and report these trades to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). That way the insider trading is not kept a secret and anyone can find out a corporate insider’s opinion of his or her company.Insider trading is only illegal when a person bases their trade of stocks in a public company on information that the public does not know. It is illegal to trade your own stock in a company based on this information but it is also illegal to give someone that information, a tip, so they can trade their stock.Why Is Insider Trading Illegal?The SEC’s job is to make sure that all investors are making decisions based on the same information. Insider trading can be illegal because it destroys this level playing field.Punishments and Rewards Associated With Insider TradingAccording to the SEC website there are almost 500 civil enforcement actions each year against individuals and companies that break securities laws. Insider trading is one of the most common laws broken. The punishment for illegal insider trading depends on the situation. The person can be fined, banned from sitting on the executive or board of directors of a public company and even jailed.The Securities Exchange Act of 1934 in the United States allows the Securities and Exchange Commission to give a person a reward “a bounty” to someone who gives the Commission information that results in a fine of insider trading.If you'd like to ask a question or comment on this story, please use the feedback form.
Online Trading Institute provide courses and classes in Intraday Stock Trading, Futures Trading, Forex Trading, Commodities Trading, Currency Trading for Traders in Houston, New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago, Philadelphia, San Diego, Dallas, Phoenix at Texas, New York, California, Illinois in USA. Online Trading Institute was started by TRADERS FOR TRADERS. The founders had only one goal in mind: to equip investors and day traders with new trading strategies and day trading skills used by hedge fund and investment bank traders. The founders have worked for energy trading and stock trading companies and hedge funds and know how Smart Money vs. Scared Money trades. Our traders apply the day trading and short-term trading strategies they teach traders during class. Most of the time, the classes are held during market hours. Online Trading Institute Services:
Forex trading is exciting There are many many advantages over the various otherways of investing. First of all it is a 24 hr market,except for weekends of course. You have the US market thenthe European and then the Asian. One of the great times totrade is during the over lapping periods. The USA andEuropean overlap between 5am & 9am eastern and the Euro &Asian between 11pm & 1am eastern. Usually the busiest timeand best to trade. The is also the risk factor for the accounts. Withfutures and options you can get margin calls that can wipeyou out. If you get caught in a bad trade not only do youlose the money in the account but you may have to come upwith a lot more from your pocket. It can be very risking.But not in Forex. Worst case scenario you could lose whatsin you account. But you would have to do something really stupid. Like making a big trade on a Fundamental day andleave it alone. If market takes a bad move and you weren’tthere. OOOPS. But That wouldn’t happen with a smarttrader. Then there are the demo accounts which is an accountwhere you can trade using all the right things,platform, charts, and information. But you are using playmoney, or what we call paper trading too. Plus with Forex you have a mini account. Instead ofneeding thousands of dollars to get into it. You can openan account with as little as $300.00. Now of course youwill be trading at 1 tenth of a trade. IN other words youcontroling 10,000 instead of 100,000.00 These are calllots. Which also means you will only risk 1 tenth too! So if you would love to learn to do investing and nothave near the risk you really need to take a closer look atForex trading. Mike Pachuta Forex trading is exciting
Forex trading takes place on a world-wide decentralized exchange that is an over-the- counter financial market for the trading of currencies. The purpose of currency forex trading is to assist international trade and investment. The forex cur rency trading market allows businesses to convert one currency into another. For example, if a U.S. business is importing European goods it will need to convert its dollars over to Euros in order to pay the European country. The forex currency trading market assists in these types of transactions. The forex market boasts the biggest daily volume turn over of any financial market in the world, this allows for very dense liquidity which is a bonus for any trader or investor. Another big advantage of forex currency trading is that it can done from virtually anywhere on earth that has an internet connection. This geographical dispersion is a huge advantage for traders looking to get into currency forex trading because it provides for very low start up fees and extreme flexibility. The 24 a day 6 day a week operation of the forex currency trading market is very advantageous because it allows for many more price action trading opportunities than markets with standard day time open and close hours. Longer hours and more price movement mean more opportunities for speculators to make money and profit from big price action moves. The currency forex trading market is also much more conducive to price action analysis because there are fewer factors involved in the movement of the market. The catalysts for driving forex currency trading markets are macroeconomic mechanisms such as central bank interest rates, inflation policies, and monthly economic reports. As such, these relatively stable mechanisms allow the currency forex trading market to be a great fit for technical trading and especially for the employment of price action setups. There generally will be a few big news release price spikes throughout the month but the rest of the time the currency market trades very technically and as mentioned previously meshes perfectly with method of price action trading. The last big advantage that forex currency trading has over all other market is sort of a combination of a couple different factors. The first being that some brokers offer very high leverage in the forex market, this means you can potentially make very big profits with a very small upfront outlay of money on your part. Essentially leverage allows you to control a very large amount of currency for a very little down payment. The other big advantage of currency forex trading is that it allows traders who might not have much startup capital to begin trading and it allows them to effectively manage their account risk through micro-lots. Micro-lots essentially allow a trader to trade position sizes as small as one penny per point. This allows traders who may only have 250$ or so to start with to have a fighting chance at growing their trading account with a little hard work and discipline. Nial Fuller is a Respected Trader and Forex Coach. He runs a Forex Training and Education Website, Visit his site here Forex Currency Trading
Automated Forex trading has help a lot of people get started with ease. There is a hot trend with people going for automated Forex trading nowadays. If you are unheard of this, then you are totally "noob". With technology arising, people have also the desire to level-up their expertise by increasing their knowledge on the tools made available for them. If you are one among the thousands or maybe millions, then this article is right for you. This Forex robot allows you to set aside manual trading process, and instead, leaving all your transaction to your installed Forex trading robot. The trading robot does the opening and closing of trades for you without human interventions. Nevertheless, if you desire to move ahead in advance, then learning the Forex robot approach will be very beneficial to you. This way, as you understand the logical approach of the system, you can manage your Forex system in a more effective way. Studying your trading system allows you to maximize your potential earnings. Another advantage also is you will gain advanced knowledge and awareness of what is transpiring and thus prepares you to new technologies. Research is required when you enter into this realm of technology. It entails you to understand how those early Forex robots have been designed and what new technologies or features have been added to. You have to understand it's capabilities by understanding its trading analysis. One way of doing this is by consulting early Forex robot users and gathering information from them based on their user experience. After then, as you will have an overview, you can also discuss with present users. Comparing both can give you more idea how the algorithm works. Doing this will also help you manipulate your software well in maximizing all the features made available for you. An example of an automated Forex trading software feature is its capability of generating statistical reports. By using such reports, you can use it as a material for your study as well. This is also very helpful especially in setting up your Forex robot to which time zone it should be running. The following are a couple of features of an automated Forex trading system: * Hands-off trading - the system does the trading transactions * Round-the-clock (24/7) capability of opening and closing trades * The trading robot can open and close trades in multiple markets * Multiple trading systems such as those which rely on a variety of indicators to foresee risk and avoid loss * Accurately programmed algorithm that performs the Forex trading process The features of this as system mentioned above are common to all Forex trading robots and based on facts on what your software is capable of doing. All statistical reports and charts can be used in studying how to take full advantage of your Forex robot software. By doing and by being aware of all the above mentioned in this article, you yourself can uncover the Forex trading software's logical approach. Richardo has good knowledge of automated Forex trading systems and has been a Forex trader for a while now. If you would like find out more forex robot review article, visit his website today.
If you have lost money forex trading I have great news! No, really! If you are looking to easily increase your monthly income but are not sure how, have been curious about trading the FOREX market, or have a bit of experience in trading but would like a big boost in confidence... and profitable trades... then you will absolutely love what you are about to read... Since 2007 I have been keenly interested in forex Trading, more so as it is not taxable in the UK - Yippee! (Check the law for where you are!) I knew however, early on I would not learn anything dummy (demo) trading as it did not give you the same feel as a real forex trade. So, I entered my first forex trade and lost a little - it was okay as I also learnt never trade more than you can afford to lose. However, I lost a lot of money buying into one of the numerous bogus forex courses that purports to teach you a thing or two and help you put a steady income in your pocket - it turned out to be lies or it was too technical or both! Since then I vowed to get back my money and more and have been quietly researching forex markets looking for a viable one that takes care of all the technical stuff. Initially it seemed impossible that I would ever find such a way to trade forex or if I did that it wouldn't cost the earth, I'm glad to finally say I have both. The truth is you will not find it with a Google search as only a select few know about this simple forex resource that guides you all the way to a steady income. Alternatively, you can try and Google it and see where that takes you. You'll find a range of forex courses and packages out there and you can try and fail for yourself or you can make life easy trading the forex market by following the link I have for you. After years of researching different forex opportunities, I have found one which is by far easier to understand and potentially very profitable as well. I personally, would have loved to be in your position in 2007 reading this articles instead of spending valuable time and money I couldn't afford trading the forex market with little and no experience. It's not about so called experts speaking in jargon that makes trading the forex market difficult and unprofitable as it would cost you a whole lot of money to begin to see a fraction of the profitable trades you could be experiencing here. I'd like to know how you get on, come back and tell me about your forex trading success story. Euvwu J. Obuaya is a writer, author and editor, she regularly writes for the investment pages of Love Nurture magazine providing articles and resources that helps build stronger families, also showing them how to create and build a residual income that lasts for future generations. For more about Love Nurture Investments visit the website http://www.lovenurture.com
Whether you are a new trader or already experienced one, this is something you cannot afford to miss! Peter Bain is professional and successful forex trader and he holds live forex trading courses and seminars all over the World. Attending his seminars sometimes cost more than $3000 and not many people can afford it. That is why he has developed Forex Mentor course to make it available to general public and aspiring forex traders in DVD and CD format for a fraction of the cost. Peter Bain’s strategy, he teaches in his course, is exactly as one used by banks and other large financial institutions to make profit in forex. It is based on “pivot points” system which indicates imminent price changes and traders can use them to determine exact entry and exit points to make a profit. The REAL value of Forex Mentor program is that you can get 1 on 1 personal mentorship and get answer to every question you might have with your own trades.