If you have lost money forex trading I have great news! No, really! If you are looking to easily increase your monthly income but are not sure how, have been curious about trading the FOREX market, or have a bit of experience in trading but would like a big boost in confidence... and profitable trades... then you will absolutely love what you are about to read... Since 2007 I have been keenly interested in forex Trading, more so as it is not taxable in the UK - Yippee! (Check the law for where you are!) I knew however, early on I would not learn anything dummy (demo) trading as it did not give you the same feel as a real forex trade. So, I entered my first forex trade and lost a little - it was okay as I also learnt never trade more than you can afford to lose. However, I lost a lot of money buying into one of the numerous bogus forex courses that purports to teach you a thing or two and help you put a steady income in your pocket - it turned out to be lies or it was too technical or both! Since then I vowed to get back my money and more and have been quietly researching forex markets looking for a viable one that takes care of all the technical stuff. Initially it seemed impossible that I would ever find such a way to trade forex or if I did that it wouldn't cost the earth, I'm glad to finally say I have both. The truth is you will not find it with a Google search as only a select few know about this simple forex resource that guides you all the way to a steady income. Alternatively, you can try and Google it and see where that takes you. You'll find a range of forex courses and packages out there and you can try and fail for yourself or you can make life easy trading the forex market by following the link I have for you. After years of researching different forex opportunities, I have found one which is by far easier to understand and potentially very profitable as well. I personally, would have loved to be in your position in 2007 reading this articles instead of spending valuable time and money I couldn't afford trading the forex market with little and no experience. It's not about so called experts speaking in jargon that makes trading the forex market difficult and unprofitable as it would cost you a whole lot of money to begin to see a fraction of the profitable trades you could be experiencing here. I'd like to know how you get on, come back and tell me about your forex trading success story. Euvwu J. Obuaya is a writer, author and editor, she regularly writes for the investment pages of Love Nurture magazine providing articles and resources that helps build stronger families, also showing them how to create and build a residual income that lasts for future generations. For more about Love Nurture Investments visit the website http://www.lovenurture.com